@article{GENERAL, recid = {8187}, title = {A Practical Example of The Problems Encountered in Repairing Major Damage to Main Gearing}, journal = {Journal of Naval Engineering}, address = {1998}, number = {GENERAL}, abstract = {A Practical Example of The Problems Encountered in Repairing Major Damage to Main Gearing. June 1998. A PRACTICAL EXAMPLE OF THE PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED IN REPAIRING MAJOR DAMAGE TO MAIN GEARING LIEUTENANT COMMANII~R T. J. DATHAN, MSc, CENC, MIMARE, RN Cformerly Fleet Support Division, Canadian Fleet Pacific E.rquimalt, British Columbia) ABSTRACT Tlil-oirgho~t the training 01'}, url = {http://library.imarest.org/record/8187}, }