@article{GENERAL, recid = {8143}, title = {HMS Nottingham - From Wolf Rock to Portsmouth}, journal = {Journal of Naval Engineering}, address = {2003}, number = {GENERAL}, abstract = {HMS Nottingham - From Wolf Rock to Portsmouth. December 2003. N A HILLS, B.ENG.(HONS)., M.Sc. C.ENG., M.RI.N.A., R.C.N.C.; DR C. A. DICKS, B.ENG.(HONS)., PH.D., C.ENG., M.I.MECH.E., M.R.I.N.A., R.C.N.C.; CAPTAIN S. B. QUINN; CAPTAIN J. R. WARD, M.B.E. M.N.I.}, url = {http://library.imarest.org/record/8143}, }