@article{GENERAL, recid = {8015}, title = {To What Extent can Existing Inert Gas Technology be Used to Provide Fire Protection on RN Surface Ships}, journal = {Journal of Naval Engineering}, address = {2006}, number = {GENERAL}, abstract = {To What Extent can Existing Inert Gas Technology be Used to Provide Fire Protection on RN Surface Ships. August 2006. LIEUTENANT-COMMANDER P. MOUNTFORD, B.ENG., M.Sc., C.ENG., M.I.MECH.E.; DR. K. O. SUEN, B.Sc.(ENG)., M.Sc., PH.D., C.ENG., M,I,MECH.E., M.IO.R., M.A.S.H.R.AE; LIEUTENANT M. GOODALL, B.ENG., M.Sc., C.ENG., M.I.MAR.E.S.T., R.N.}, url = {http://library.imarest.org/record/8015}, }