@article{GENERAL, author = {Rijsdijk, C and Alves da Silveira, NN and Tinga, T}, url = {http://library.imarest.org/record/7688}, journal = {Conference Proceedings of INEC}, title = {Using ship sensor data to achieve smart maintenance?}, abstract = {In the present paper, the potential of using ship sensor data for achieving smart maintenance of naval ships is discussed. In modern ships, a lot of installations and equipment contain sensors that monitor and register the operation of these systems. This work will exemplify the value of the (long term) collection and analysis of sensor data. This will mainly focus on assessing the present performance or condition of systems and the detection of faults or failures, but also on the longer term ambition of predicting upcoming failures. The theoretical benefits of sensor data are checked against a real case study of a naval ship sea cooling water system. Different scenarios with increasing amounts of sensors are compared, and the importance of domain and system knowledge is discussed.}, number = {GENERAL}, recid = {7688}, address = {2020-10-05}, }