@article{GENERAL, author = {Williams. N R J}, url = {http://library.imarest.org/record/7627}, journal = {Conference Proceedings of INEC}, title = {An investigation into contracted loaded tip propellers using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)}, abstract = {This paper investigates the potential performance improvements of adding contracted loaded tips to propellers. A Wageningen B5-75 Series propeller has been simulated and verified against published experimental test data. Contracted tips have then been added to a Wageningen propeller and the modified propeller then simulated. A CFD method and model has been developed. Pressure, velocity and vector plots have all been analysed detailing the mechanism behind the contracted tips. Limitations behind this method have been explored and explained, and recommendations for further studies made. The development of a database of propeller characteristics and performance chart data to allow quick evaluation of designs has also been proposed. }, number = {GENERAL}, recid = {7627}, address = {2018-10-04}, }