@article{GENERAL, recid = {7597}, author = {Janssen, J A A J and Hasenpflug, H and Janßen, M}, title = {COSIMAR: Continuous Operational Signature Monitoring Awareness and Recommendation}, journal = {Conference Proceedings of INEC}, address = {2018-10-03}, number = {GENERAL}, abstract = {Crews of naval vessels lack an up-to-date awareness of those aspects of a ship’s susceptibility to threats that are related to the actual ship signatures (acoustic, magnetic, infrared, etc.). The ship’s susceptibility depends among others on the current configuration of the ship, the environment, the enemy sensor capabilities and the related ship signature levels. For operational purposes, it is desirable that crews have a tool which informs and advises them on the ship signatures, on ways of managing them and on the consequential detection ranges of adversary sensors in the current tactical situation. A functional demonstrator for such a support tool, called COSIMAR (Continuous Operational Signature Monitoring Awareness and Recommendation), has been developed and tested in a laboratory environment in an international project. The background and approach of this international cooperation between Canada, Germany, Norway, Belgium and The Netherlands had been presented at the INEC conference 2014 in Amsterdam. This year's presentation will show the result of this joint effort. The architecture, human machine interface, signature and susceptibility models will be addressed, including the laboratory environment simulating all required platform and environmental input. }, url = {http://library.imarest.org/record/7597}, }