@article{GENERAL, recid = {7592}, author = {Overfield, N and McKay, J}, title = {International Naval Safety Association - The First 10 Years}, journal = {Conference Proceedings of INEC}, address = {2018-10-03}, number = {GENERAL}, abstract = {Over the last 10 years and in response to a request from NATO's Ship Design Capability Group the International Navy Safety Association (INSA) - a team of international Navies and Classification Societies  - has been developing and has now published a safety code for warships, known as the Naval Ship Code and published as ANEP 77. The Code is now used by navies to inform procurement plans and by Classification Societies to benchmark their naval ship rules and Classification Services. This paper will celebrate and discuss the Code's development, discuss its use on a number of recent warship projects to examine both technical and practical application aspects, and the future plans for the Code. It will also present the other activities of INSA and invite participation from conference attendees in the work programme of INSA. }, url = {http://library.imarest.org/record/7592}, }