@article{GENERAL, author = {Tol, R S and Linden, Ir Y}, url = {http://library.imarest.org/record/7580}, journal = {Conference Proceedings of INEC}, title = {Effect of Gas-To-Liquid (GTL) fuels on marine diesel engines compared to F-76}, abstract = {With increasingly stringent emission regulations and evergrowing concern for the environment and human welfare, alternatives for distillate marine diesel oil are becoming more widely available. The Dutch department of Defence has committed itself to reduce the production of carbon dioxide due to burning fossil fuel by 70% in 2050 (compared to 2010). GTL is a liquid fuel produced from natural gas and manufacturers claim cleaner combustion. Measurements have been taken from a 360kW Marine diesel engine over the engine envelope to compare the combustion performance of GTL against F-76, a NATO-standard DMA.<br> We found that combustion started earlier for GTL compared to F-76. The heat release rate, calculated using a single-zone combustion model, showed a more graduate heat release for GTL, resulting in a lower peak pressure and spatially averaged cylinder temperatures.<br> The engine&rsquo;s overall efficiency showed an increase of up to 0.5%, while emissions of NOX reduced by more than 9%. Despite the higher efficiency and GTL&rsquo;s 3.5% higher caloric value, the operating range of vessels is expected to decrease by 4% due to the 8% lower density of GTL.}, number = {GENERAL}, recid = {7580}, address = {2018-10-02}, }