      recid = {7562},
      author = {Davison, I},
      title = {Modelling Fleet Performance over Complex Operating  Scenarios},
      journal = {Conference Proceedings of MECSS},
      address = {2019-07-02},
      number = {GENERAL},
      abstract = {The Systems Availability Model (SAM) is a program designed  to assess the Availability, Reliability  and<br>
Maintainability (AR&M) characteristics of  multiple systems used over operating scenarios that place  varying demands upon those systems, such as that  encountered in complex military, commercial shipping,  industrial installations and deployed systems of  systems.

The unique ability of SAM to overlay system  dependencies onto complex mission profiles makes it a  uniquely powerful and flexible AR&M modelling tool.  Mission profiles are built up from a variety of activities,  each demanding use of different combinations of equipment,  rather than a fixed time at risk approach adopted by many  simpler modelling tools.

This paper and associated  presentation discusses:

	<li>The unique capabilities  of SAM and, at a high level, how a SAM model is developed  and its crossindustry applications;</li>
	<li>The use of  SAM to set system/equipment requirements, and understand  the impact of equipment reliability on a fleet of ships  undergoing complex operating  scenarios;</li>
	<li>Reflecting changes to mission  requirements, and the knock-on effect of predicted  performance;</li>
	<li>How SAM can be used to understand  the significance of individual systems during safety  critical activities (e.g. replenishment at sea, close water  navigation).</li>
      url = {http://library.imarest.org/record/7562},